Top 5 Historical Places in Pakistan you must visit

There are many things to love about Pakistan, such as its stunning scenery, traditions, food, and of course historical monuments.  In Pakistan, you will find fertile plains, magnificent peaks of mountains, and majestic deserts. Every nook and cranny of the country is fascinating and beautiful. Pakistan is an excellent destination for people who are interested in old history and culture. In the past, numerous famous people have traversed the country during their trips.

Top 5 Historical Places in Pakistan you must visit:

While you decide to explore the country, you will find a large selection of places to see, especially if you have a passion and knack for history. In this article we have compiled a list of the 5 most important historical sites in the country that you should not miss.

  1. Mohenjo-Daro
  2. Hiran Minar
  3. Tomb of Jahangir
  4. Baltit Fort
  5. Wazir Khan Mosque


In Pakistan, it is impossible to have a list of historical places without including Mohenjo-Daro- one of the largest cities of the Indus Valley Civilization.

According to legend, Mohenjo-daro is known as “the mound of the dead.” The archaeological importance of the site was first recognized in 1922, one year after Harappa was discovered. Following excavation, it was discovered that the mounds contained ancient remains.

UNESCO designated the ancient city as a World Heritage Site in 1983, but little is known about it for over 3700 years after it was built.

The structures at Mohenjo-Daro were built from mud and brick. Historians believe Mohenjo-Daro’s size and public buildings indicate a high level of social organization.

Mohenjo-Daro is located in Pakistan’s Sindh Province, near Larkana, where it is easily accessible by different travel hacks.

Visiting Hours: 8:30 AM – 7 PM in summer season, 9 AM – 7 PM in winter season

Entrance Fee: 300 rupees for foreigners, 20 rupees for citizens.

Hiran Minar:

Hiran Minar, located in Sheikhupura, is believed to be the tomb of ‘Mansraj’, who is the 4th Mughal King. As far as numbers of visitors to historical sites are concerned, the Haran Minar is among the most popular. It is a tomb, but this one is a little bit different from others in the cemetery.

While most tombs in Punjab and across Pakistan contain the remains of saints or royalty, however the Hiran Minar is devoted to the pet antelope of the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.

In addition to a massive pool and accompanying pavilion, the complex has four minarets that are 30 feet in length which are built over an antelope and were used to track the wild animal for hunting. Visits to it are worthwhile due to their history and construction.

Visiting Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM

Entrance Fee: Free

Tomb of Jahangir: 

Pakistan would not be complete without mentioning the Tomb of Jahangir in its history, culture, and landmarks. Tomb of Jahangir located in Shahdara, close to Lahore and was chosen by Jahangir’s wife because the location was so beautiful to her and she wanted it to be the final resting place of her husband. Jahangir’s son Shah Jahan constructed his tomb alongside the Ravi River. There is something unique about the tomb because it is so beautifully designed and so fascinating. At all four corners of the building, there are tall towers that reach up to 30 meters (100 feet) in height. Despite the fact that the king was buried on grounds that are still very well maintained, the gardens that surround it remain both beautiful and well-kept. The tomb may have lost some of its beauty with time, but its magnificence still remains.

Visiting Hours: 8 AM – 8 PM

Entrance Fee: 50 RS

Baltit Fort:

Even though many of Pakistan’s famous historical sites are found in Punjab or Sindh, it does not mean that any of the historical sites don’t exist in the mountains. Fort Baltit lies in the Hunza Valley, near the city of Karimabad, in the northern region of Pakistan. This city was founded in the 8th century CE and was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2004.

The fort overlooks Karimabad, which is impressive. Its survival was ensured by the imperial authorities in Hunza. Fortifications dating back to 700 years ago have been rebuilt and altered over the ages. During the 16th century, the local prince married a princess from Baltistan whose dowry included master Balti craftsmen renovating the building. This fort, which takes its shape from Tibetan architecture, is situated atop a hill and offers breathtaking views of the valley below. Located in Karimabad, the Baltit Fort is a very popular tourist destination that can be explored on foot or by car.

Visiting Hours: 24 Hours except Friday (9:00 AM – 5:30 PM).

Entrance Fee: 600

Wazir Khan Mosque:

It is easy to make a list of all the amazing things that happened in Lahore, which can easily top this one. For instance, the beautiful Wazir Khan Mosque must be mentioned. Shaikh Ilm-ud-din Ansari, the Viceroy of Punjab during Shah Jahan’s reign, built this mosque in 1634 and took seven years to complete. After entering through the Delhi Gate in Lahore’s Walled City, you will find the Wazir Khan Mosque a few hundred meters away. In addition to being a popular tourist attraction in Lahore, the mosque has a beautiful design and architecture. Looking at the mosque will give you a sense of what the past was like.

Visiting Hours: 5 AM – 8 PM

Entrance Fee: Free


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