10 Things you need to know before visiting Pakistan

Pakistan is a country that is full of culture and history. If you are planning on visiting this fascinating country, there are a few things you need to know before you go. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most important things you need to be aware of before traveling to Pakistan. We will talk about the climate, transportation, food, and more! So if you are planning a visit to Pakistan, be sure to read this blog post first!

History of Pakistan:

Pakistan; official Islamic Republic of Pakistan is a wonderful tourism destination with its magnificent environment and welcoming people. In the news, Pakistan’s culture is hardly mentioned. Pakistan was established on August 14, 1947. In 1956, the country became the Islamic Republic. Pakistan was partitioned into two parts: West Pakistan and East Pakistan. After another brutal independence war in 1971, Punjab became Bangladesh. Pakistan is a new country, yet it has a long history. One of the world’s oldest civilizations, the Indus Valley Civilization, has monuments in southern Pakistan. Alexander the Great, the Delhi Sultanate, the Mughal Empire, and the British Raj were among the conquerors and civilizations who ruled regions of modern-day Pakistan.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are choosing to travel around the world. It’s an adventure that will blow your mind: it will empower your inner self and connect you to incredible new people. And most importantly, it will allow you to travel to locations all over the world that you never thought existed. 

It is an adventure that will have you curious about when the next journey will be. Before you go, there are a few things you should know to make the most of your adventure.


For multiple reasons, planning earlier is highly suggested. To begin with, an attempt to arrange basic needs such as transportation and lodging at the last minute may result in extra inconvenience and delays. Second, to get the most out of your trip, you should probably construct a schedule even if it’s a rough one – and giving it some consideration is a good idea. 

Another reason to plan ahead is that some areas require a valid NOC (No Objection Certificate) for tourists to enter.

Complete Documentation: 

There will be countries where special visas are required to enter. Tourist visas are usually not difficult to obtain however, it is always best to check ahead of time! Pakistan has made independent travel easier, in addition to big changes in the immigration agency. Gone are the days when foreigners were forbidden from visiting numerous valleys and gone are the days when security guards were routinely imposed. Visitors to Pakistan can now freely travel across much of the country without requiring the controversial (no-objection certificate.) Though travel companies are popular these days, being on a tour is not required to visit Pakistan; backpackers and other independent travelers, with a few exceptions, are free to roam. 

Climate in Pakistan:

Pakistan is a large country, and the climate can vary depending on which part of the country you are visiting. The north of Pakistan has a temperate climate, while the south is much hotter and more humid. In general, the best time to visit Pakistan is from October to March, when the weather is cooler.

Culture of Pakistan:

Pakistanis have a reputation for being quite friendly, and they are considered to be extremely welcome to guests from other countries. They would frequently go out of their way to make travelers feel welcome. If you’re staying with a family or spending a day or even just a meal with them, keep this in mind.

 It could feel strange to witness somebody go to such efforts to make sure you’re comfortable and satisfied, putting your wants ahead of their own. 

The major ethnic groups of Pakistan are Punjabi, Pashtun, Sindhi, Hazara, Baloch, and those who speak Urdu (there are many others as well). Languages, customs, food, traditions, and cultural practices and beliefs are all unique to each community. However, there are a few issues that practically everyone agrees on; for example, a sizable proportion of Pakistanis still believe in careful male-female interaction and modest clothing.

Pakistani culture is diverse and vibrant, despite its conservative nature. At practically every level, religion determines and impacts culture. Keep this in mind and proceed with caution when visiting Pakistan. It’s hard to generalize about Pakistani culture because of its diversity.

Religion & Norms of Pakistan:

Islam is the official religion of Pakistan, so it is important to dress conservatively when you visit this country. Women should not wear sleeveless shirts or shorts; instead, they should cover their arms with long sleeves and legs with pants or skirts that reach below the knees. Men can dress more casually than women but still need to be respectful of local customs by wearing long trousers and a shirt buttoned up at least halfway down their chest. Avoid public displays of affection between couples-such as kissing and hugging-as these are considered taboo in Pakistan.

Transportation in Pakistan:

Transportation in Pakistan can be a bit challenging, as there are not many paved roads outside of the major cities. However, there are a number of different transportation options available, including buses, trains, cars, rickshaws, and motorcycles. It is important to note that most Pakistani drivers do not use seatbelts or helmets, so be prepared for some hair-raising rides!

Food in Pakistan:

Pakistani food is spicy and delicious. The most popular dishes include curries, kebabs, biryani rice with meat), tandoori chicken (roasted in a clay oven), dhal (lentil stew) and naan bread.

Learn some basic Urdu phrases:

The majority of individuals in Pakistan’s urban and big city areas can understand, speak, and write English to vary degrees of precision. However, to make your experience in Pakistan a little easier, you should at least try to learn some conversational Urdu, or at the very least, some of the most regularly used phrases, such as:

  • Assalam o alaikum: Greetings (as in hello in english) 
  • Walaikum assalam: Greetings in return (hello) 
  • Kaisy hain ap: How are you? 
  • Han jee/jee: Yes 
  • Nahi: No
  • Main theek hon: I am fine
  • Shukriya: Thank you.

While Urdu is Pakistan’s official language, the country is home to dozens of other regional languages, and many people do not even speak Urdu in some locations. Approximately 75 languages are spoken all through the country; however many of them are identical to Urdu in some ways. Some have acoustic dictionaries, so make sure you get one before you land.

  • The Pakistani mindset:

Pakistanis believe visitors are a gift from God, and it is thus their responsibility to treat them well. They would ask you to live in their house despite not knowing you. They’d sleep on the floor just so you could sleep on the house’s only bed. On the other hand, Pakistanis can be a little difficult to deal with. 

People can be highly intolerant in this country since it is conservative and religiously homogeneous. There is a way to do and think about things in Pakistan, and those who do or believe otherwise frequently face opposition. Many people have “different” opinions, but they are reluctant to show them unless they are in close companionship. People aren’t used to having opposing viewpoints.

Like the rest of the world, Pakistanis have a difficult time dealing with criticism. I knew this, but when I posted a critical film on Pakistan’s tourist scene this year, it served as a good reminder of my incompetence. Despite constructive intentions, I had to deal with hostility for weeks on end.


Pakistan is a fascinating country with a rich culture and history. By knowing the things we have mentioned in this blog post, you will be well prepared for your visit! Have a great trip!

If you’re looking for more information on traveling in Pakistan check out our other posts:

And don’t forget to check out our Pakistan Travel Guide for even more tips!

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